Home Page

123 Street Name, Anytown, ST 12345 - (234) 567-8910 - you@coolexample.com
Photo - The photo below is not required; however, consider adding a photo, such as a quality face shot, to this Home page. A single photo can help the employer put a face to your name and can enhance the level of humanness and connection.


This is the first section of your site anyone will see. Begin your resume with a strong, concise objective statement to immediately let potential employers know what you want, specifically: the position you're looking for; the level of role and responsibility you are seeking; and that your qualifications listed on the Web site are relevant to the position.


In a few brief statements, provide an overview of your resume explaining why you're the ideal candidate for the role mentioned in your Objective. This section is a way to entice your potential employer to read your entire resume.

  • Briefly discuss the information that can be found on your site, such as experience, education, expertise, credentials, personal values, work ethics, background, and anything that makes you qualified for the job you're seeking.
  • Mention examples of your work, current projects, and biography.
  • State your current role, position, or job title and your location.

Video and Portfolio

Consider uploading a profile video to this Home page. A personal video is an excellent way to briefly explain who you are and the work you've done in a way that simulates the live setting in which you might otherwise do so.

Consider adding a portfolio of samples of your work to this Home page. Displaying your work for your potential employer to see is a great way of catching their attention.

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