Education | Title of Degree earned Name of University, City, State | year |
B.A. Degree in Foreign Languages Elm College, Coral Gables, FL | 1999 | |
Completion of Intensive Language Training Program Maple Grove Institute, London, England | 1998 | |
Experience | This page chronologically details your professional and work experience. It provides potential employers with an understanding of what roles you held in the past. List each job and position you've held in reverse chronology (i.e., most current first). Generally, there is little need to go back further than 10 years of experience. However, if positions you held before this point are particularly relevant to the position for which you are applying, it may benefit you to include them. | |
Title or Position held Company Name, City, State
| m/y - m/y | |
Title or Position held Company Name, City, State
| m/y - m/y | |
Title or Position held Company Name, City, State
| m/y - m/y | |
Depending on your experience and the position for which you are applying, you may also want to include additional sections on this page. | ||
Awards | List honors, awards, and grants you have received that support your job objective. | |
Certifications | List certification, statements of completion, and official letters of recognition you have received that support your job objective. | |
Community Service | While any volunteering you've done related to your job objective is excellent, it need not be directly related. Volunteering for any type of community service makes a statement about your dedication, character, and social awareness that you may want to convey to potential employers. | |
Skills | List any skills you possess, such as specific software, machine, or other skills that support your job objective. | |
Publications | List any articles, books, chapters in books, and research papers that you have authored or co-authored. | |
Professional Affiliations | List any professional associations to which you belong. If you held or currently hold an office, that should be noted. |